○ memo: メモ、覚え書き
I sent him a memo reminding him about the meeting.
○ note: メモ、短い記録
I was going to write her a note, but I decided to call her instead.
Longman 辞書によると、「memo」と「note」の意味は以下のとおり。
memo: a short official note to another person in the same company or organization
(同じ会社または組織内の別の人への短い公式メモ )
note: something that you write down to remind you of something
○ memorandum : 覚書
He handed her the memorandum.
○ notice: 通知
I didn’t observe the notice on the wall.
○ remark : 意見、発言
She overhead the remark and reported it to her supervisor.